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Introduction to ERP and SAP® MM
* What is ERP and SAP® MM
* Purpose for SAP® and ERP
* Different modules in SAP®
* Role of a SAP® MM Consultant

Overview of Procurement Process
* Describe the various external procurement processes
* List the organizational levels relevant for the procurement process in the SAP® MM system
* Explain the relationships between these organizational levels
* Name various documents to which you can make reference when creating a purchase order
* Name the most important elements of a purchase order
* Enter and issue a simple purchase order
* Explain the most important effects of a goods receipt against a purchase order
* Enter a simple good receipt with reference to a purchase order
* Name the most important elements of a material document
* Name the most important information in an invoice
* Carry out a simple invoice verification process with reference to a purchase order
* Explain the most important effects of entering an invoice against a purchase order

Master Data
* Explain the significance of vendor master records
* Create and maintain vendor master records
* Name the organizational levels that are important for the maintenance of vendor master record
* Explain the significance of material master records
* Create and maintain material master record
* Name the organizational levels that are important for the maintenance of material master records
* List the different entry aids for the maintenance of the vendor and material master record
* Outline the creation of a vendor master record with reference
* Create a material master record with reference material
* Use collective entry for storage location data in material master record
* Name the objects that can be processed using the mass maintenance function
* Outline the flow of mass maintenance

Procurement of Stock Material
* Name the documents and master data on which conditions are used
* Explain the difference between time-dependent and time-independent conditions
* Create several RFQs for an RFQ activity
* Enter the incoming quotations for your RFQs
* Execute a price comparison for your quotations
* Use the document overview on transaction ME21N
* Create purchase orders by referencing to RFQs
* List the organizational levels relevant for purchasing info records
* List the ways in which purchasing info records can be created
* Maintain a purchasing info record
* Explain the significance of the valuation area
* Describe the function of the valuation area
* Describe the function of a valuation class
* Explain material valuation with the moving average price
* Explain material valuation with standard price
* Display the stock overview
* List the stock types
* Enter a goods receipt in the quality inspection stock
* List the documents created during goods movements posting and explain their meaning
* Analyze the postings during goods movements posting and explain their meaning
* Enter an invoice with unplanned delivery costs in Logistics Invoice Verification
* Display the accounting document for an invoice
* Explain the postings in the invoice

Procurement of Consumable Material
* List the differences between the procurement of consumable materials and that of stock materials.
* Explain the meaning of the account assignment category
* Use transaction ME51N for purchase requisitions
* Create a purchase requisition with items with single and multiple account assignments
* Request a material without a material master record
* Create a purchase order with reference to a purchase requisition with account assignment
* Enter an order acknowledgement for a purchase order
* Explain the difference between a valuated and a non-valuated goods receipt
* Explain the postings result from a non-valuated goods receipt during invoice entry
* Explain the purpose of the item category in purchasing documents
* Explain the special aspects of procuring materials using a blanket purchase order
* Create a blanket purchase order
* Enter invoices with reference to a blanket purchase order with Logistics Invoice Verification

Procurement of External Services
* Name the most important master data used in the procurement of external services
* Describe and handle the basic procurement process for services
* Display a service master record and service conditions
* Explain the structure of the purchase order item for services
* Create a purchase order item for services
* Create a service entry sheet referencing a purchase order
* Add unplanned services during the service entry process
* Accept a service entry sheet
* Check the invoice for a service purchase order

Reporting and Analysis Functions
* Use standard reports and analyses in purchasing
* Search for a material documents using the material document list
* Display a list of your manually created invoices
* Name the most important functions of the SAP® List Viewer and the SAP® Grid Control
* Describe the basic features of the Logistics Information System
* Perform standard analyses in the Logistics Information System

Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
* Describe the overall process of MRP
* Name the planning levels in consumption based planning
* Describe the prerequisites for executing consumption-based planning
* Differentiate between consumption-based planning and Material requirement planning (MRP)
* Name the MRP procedures of consumption-based planning
* Define MRP types in the system
* Create material master records and explain the MRP data
* Describe the function of a MRP profile and create own MRP profiles
* Explain the meaning of the material status
* Explain the principle of reorder point planning and its process
* Describe the meaning of the reorder point and safety stock
* Comprehend net requirement calculation for materials planned with reorder point planning
* Explain how materials planned with reorder point planning are scheduled
* Name the different options for a planning run
* Describe the planning file and explain its functions
* Describe the individual sub-processes of a planning run
* Explain the meaning of the low-level code
* Name the different control parameters for MRP
* Differentiate between the different planning process types and creation indicators for the requirement planning run
* Execute requirement planning
* Describe the structure of the MRP lists
* Name the ways of converting a planned order
* Explain the differences between the MRP list and the current stock/requirements list
* Describe the differences between the individual and collective lists
* Use the various functions for evaluating the planning result
* Make the most important customizing settings for evaluations
* Explain the different static and period lot-sizing procedures
* Describe additional restrictions for the lot size

Source of Supply
* Distinguish between and create purchasing info records with and without material master records
* Distinguish between and create cross-plant and plant-specific purchasing info records
* Create and change conditions in the purchasing info records
* Explain the function of the buyer’s negotiation sheet
* Distinguish between different forms for contract
* Create centrally-agreed contracts and plant contracts
* Differentiate between and use item categories M and W in contracts
* Create contract release orders for different types of contract item
* Enumerate the advantages of using scheduling agreements
* Differentiate between the various types of scheduling agreement
* Create scheduling agreements, maintain scheduling agreement schedule lines and generate scheduling agreement releases
* Describe the functions of the release creation profile
* Distinguish between forecast and JIT delivery schedules

Source Determination
* Describe the various ways of creating source list records
* Describe the various uses of sourcing control with the source list
* Control the source determination process with the aid of the source list
* Create the quota arrangement for a material
* Describe how the source determination process can be controlled with the aid of quota arrangement
* Demonstrate automatic supply source determination when manually creating purchase requisitions
* Explain automatic supply source determination in the planning run
* List the possibilities for blocking vendors and supply sources in Purchasing
* Explain the use of the regular vendor

Optimized Purchasing and Invoicing Plan
* Automatically assign non-assigned requisitions to source using a collective transaction and convert them into POs and SA delivery schedule lines
* Convert purchase requisitions items without defined sources of supply into requests for quotations
* Convert assigned purchase requisitions into POs and scheduling agreement items using collective transactions
* Convert purchase requisitions into purchase orders automatically
* Explain the significance of user parameters EVO and EFB
* Name the available options for controlling the use of the info update indicator
* Set up system messages in purchasing
* Monitor order confirmations
* Expedite purchasing documents
* Make the settings for confirmation control
* Differentiate between periodic and partial invoicing plans
* Create periodic and partial invoicing plans
* Carry out the automatic settlement of invoicing plan items

Document Release Procedure
* Describe the function of and steps in a release procedure
* Release requisitions and purchase orders
* Create release strategies in customizing

Invoice Entry
* Enter an invoice referencing a purchase order
* Post a simple invoice
* List the special features of goods-receipt-based invoice verification
* Hold or park an invoice
* Specify which updates take place during document parking
* Process a parked document further
* Explain the most important attributes of prepayment
* Enter or change tax information
* Enter or change cash discount information
* Post both gross or net of cash discounts
* Enter invoices in a foreign currency
* Enter invoices for a purchase order with account assignment and change the planned account assignments
* Enter invoices relating to a blanket purchase order
* Trace the resulting account movements

Variances and Invoice Blocks
* Enter invoices with variances and explain the circumstances under which the system blocks invoices
* Compare the postings for standard and moving average priced stock materials
* Reduce invoices by posting an invoice and a credit memo at the same time
* Identify which account movements are made when you reduce invoices
* Post invoices when there is a variance between the expected total amount of the purchase order items and the actual invoice amount
* Reduce invoices in Logistics Invoice Verification without reference to an item
* Release invoices manually at item or header level
* Release an invoice automatically

Subsequent Debits, Delivery Costs and Credit Memos
* Enter additional costs as a subsequent debit
* Explain the account movements made in the case of a subsequent debit
* Enter planned delivery costs for an invoice
* Enter unplanned delivery costs so that they are apportioned to the items
* Add items without reference to a purchase order to an invoice
* Enter an invoice without reference to a purchase order
* Enter a credit memo referencing a purchase order
* Reverse an invoice document
* Enter a subsequent credit

GR/IR Account Maintenance
* Perform GR/IR Account Maintenance

Introduction to Inventory Management
* Explain how inventory management and physical inventory are integrated into SAP® ERP
* Describe the functions of inventory management and physical inventory
* Name the screen areas of the single-screen transaction for goods movements
* Navigate in the single-screen transaction for the goods movements
* Post a goods receipt with reference to a reference document
* Explain the account movements during the posting
* List the effects of a goods movement

Good Receipt
* Describe the procedure for the initial entry of stock balances in the SAP® system
* Enter a goods receipt without a purchase or production order
* Explain the special features for entering a free-of-charge delivery
* Enter a goods receipt with reference to a PO or production order into unrestricted-use stock, stock in quality inspection or blocked stock
* Describe the process of receiving goods in GR blocked stock and its special aspects
* List the necessary settings for the automatic generation of purchase orders at the time of goods receipt
* Enter a return delivery for a goods receipt (GR)
* Enter a subsequent delivery
* Create a purchase order with a return item and post the goods issue
* Describe how a goods movement posting is reversed
* Enter a goods receipt for a purchase order with one of the order price units that varies from the order unit
* Manually set the delivery completed indicator during goods receipt entry
* Explain the circumstances in which the Final delivery indicator is automatically set when posting a goods receipt
* List the prerequisites for the shelf life expiration date check
* Enter a goods receipt and enter and check the shelf expiration date
* Activate the check for the latest possible goods receipt date
Stock Transfer and Transfer Postings
* Describe the procedure for a stock-to-stock transfer posting
* List the prerequisites for a material-to-material transfer posting and make this type of posting
* Distinguish between the one-step and two-step procedures for stock transfers
* Demonstrate the entry of a stock transfer from storage location to storage location
* Carry out a stock transfer between plants of a company code using the one-step and two-step procedures
* Create a stock transport order
* Carry out a stock transfer with reference to a stock transport order using the two-step procedure

* Explain the structures of a reservation and the information it contains
* Create a reservation manually, with and without a reference
* Change the data in a reservation
* Enter a goods movement with reference to a reservation
* Determine whether reservations exist for a cost center
* Name the functions of the picking list for reservations

Goods Issue
* Enter goods issues without reference to another document
* Use a bill of material as a template for a goods issue
* Explain the differences between a withdrawal for a random sample or scrapping and a withdrawal for a cost center
* Enter a goods issue with reference to a reservation
* Enter a goods issue with reference to a production order
* Explain the difference between planned and unplanned goods issues

Special Procurement
* Explain the procurement process with subcontracting
* Provide the components required for subcontracting to the sub-contractor
* Post a goods receipt (GR) for a subcontract order and explain the effects
* Explain the procurement process with consignment
* List the settings relevant for vendor consignment
* Post goods movements for consignment stock
* Settle consignment withdrawals
* Display a consignment stock

Physical Inventory
* Make preparations for physical inventory
* Create PI documents, enter count results and post differences
* Describe the performance of the physical inventory
* Describe the postings for the physical inventory
* Combine steps in the physical inventory
* Explain the process of physical inventory with batch input sessions
* Create and run a batch input session

Inventory Reporting and Analysis Functions
* Use different lists to analyze stock
* Analyze documents created during goods movements
* List the customizing settings for reporting in Inventory Management
* Specify the evaluations in Inventory Management that are to be executed regularly
* Explain the purpose of the periodic evaluations

Customizing of Inventory Management
* Explain the number assignment settings for accounting documents
* Describe the number assignment settings for material and physical inventory documents
* Describe the number assignment settings for reservations
* List the control functions of the movement type
* Define a new movement type
* Explain how plant parameters are used
* Outline the customizing settings for transaction MIGO

Customizing for Purchasing
* Make the necessary settings for the vendor master record
* Create new document types for purchase requisitions and purchasing documents
* Describe the factors that influence the screen layout for purchasing documents and adjust the field selection for the purchase transactions
* Create a new account assignment category

Message Determination
* Describe the message determination process for purchase transactions
* Specify the details relating to message/output determination in inventory management

Organizational Levels in MM
* Identify the relationships between the organizational levels of MM and their environment
* Explain the significance of the purchasing organization and the reference purchasing organization
* Create a plant and storage locations with several addresses
* Use the plant copy and check functions

Master Data for Materials Management
* Create new material type
* Set up material number assignment
* Determine the field selection control and name its influencing factors

Valuation and Account Assignment
* List the various factors influencing automatic account determination
* Explain simple accounting transactions from inventory management and invoice verification
* Determine the chart of accounts used in your company code
* Name the conditions enabling a plant-specific assignment of G/L accounts
* Explain the significance of the valuation grouping code
* Implement account determination for new plants
* Outline the relationship between the material master record and the account determination process
* Take the account determination process into consideration when defining new material types
* Explain what a value string is and how it is determined for goods movements
* Set up and verify the account determination process for individual transactions
* Explain the significance of the account grouping code
* Name the dependencies for a default account in purchasing
* Assign the accounts for planned delivery costs
* Name the dependencies for input tax accounts
* Specify examples for using split valuation
* Understand the customizing settings for split valuation
* Create a material with split valuation
* Outline the procurement process for a material subject to split valuation

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