SCM630 and SCM631
Introduction to SAP WM
* About this training
* How to follow this course?
* How to prepare for SAP certification exam?
* About SAP WM
* Why SAP WM?
SAP WM vs IM, Lean WM, DWM and EWM
* Details, Pros and Cons of –
* Inventory Management (MM-IM)
* Lean WM
* WM
* Decentralized WM
* Extended WM
Overview of SAP WM
* WM Activation
* Transfer Order concept
* WM-MM interface
* WM-SD interface
* WM-PP interface
* WM-QM interface
Overview of Organizational Structure
* Structure of the warehouse
* Interim Storage Areas
Inbound process in SAP WM
* Inbound process in a SAP WM system.
Outbound process in SAP WM
* Outbound process in a SAP WM system.
Company Code
* Describe the functions of a Company code.
* Customize a new Company Code.
* Link Company Code to a company.
* Other FICO relevant settings.
* Function of a Plant.
* Customize a Plant.
* Assign plant to a Company Code.
Storage Location
* What is Storage Location in MM org structure.
* Customize Storage Locations for your plant.
Purchasing Organization
* What is a Purchasing Org. in MM.
* Customize a Purchasing Org.
* Assign P/org to a Company Code.
* Assign P/org to a Plant.
Warehouse Number
* Hierarchy of WM structure.
* Functions of Warehouse.
* Customizing of Warehouse numbers.
* Number range assignment.
* Connecting WM to IM
Storage Types
* Functions of a Storage types.
* Customize new Storage types.
Storage Section
* Functions of a Storage Section.
* Customize new Storage sections for your storage types.
Storage Bins
* Definition of Storage bin master data.
* Storage Bin Types.
* Storage Bin structure.
* Create Storage Bin data manually.
* Create Storage Bin data automatically.
* Search for empty storage bins.
* Bin status report
* Blocking of Storage bins.
* Intermin storage bins
* Definition of “Quant”.
* Displaying warehouse stock at Quant level.
* Addition to existing stock setting.
* Mixed storage setting.
Material Master
* Create Material master record using your own customized organizational structure.
Movement Types
* Movement types in IM.
* WM Reference movement types.
* WM movement types.
* Interim storage area.
* Transfer requirements customizing.
Transfer Order Automation
* Differentiate between “immediate” and “automatic” transfer order creation.
* Immediate transfer order customizing.
* Automatic transfer order customizing.
Special Movement Indicator
* Functions of the special movement indicator.
* Customize and assign special indicators for movement.
* Use special indicators for movement in processes.
Storage Location Control
* Definition of storage location control in WM.
* Storage location control customizing.
* Storage location references.
Putway Process
* Sequence of steps in the putaway process.
* Customize storage type search strategy.
* Customize storage section search strategy.
* Post differences that have occurred during putaway.
Storage Bin Search
* Manual stock placement
* Bulk storage
* Open Storage
* Fixed Bins
* Addition to existing stock
* Near Picking bin
* Next empty bin
* Storage Unit type
* Dynamic coordinate quant number
* Dynamic coordinate reference number
Influence of Material Master during Putaway
* WM views in material master data.
* Indicators in material master that control putaway.
* Create palletization data.
* Assign fixed bins to materials.
Storage Unit Type Check
* WM Storage unit type check in Transfer order.
* Storage Unit Type customizing.
* Storage Bin types customizing.
Capacity Check
* Different capacity check methods in WM.
* Capacity check at Master data level.
* Customizing of capacity check.
Quality Inspection during putaway
* Role of material master in Quality inspection during Putaway.
* Customize the interface between QM and WM.
* Procedure for creating quality inspection lot in WM.
Stock Removal Process
* Sequence of steps in the stock removal process.
* Control of stock removal.
Role of Material Master during Stock Removal
* Indicators in material master that control Stock Removal.
Storage Bin Search for stock removal
** Stock removal strategies and its settings
* F – First in first out (FIFO)
* *** – Stringent FIFO
* L – Last in first out (LIFO)
* A – Partial pallet quantity
* M – Large/small quantities
* H – Shelf Life Expiration date
* P – Fixed bin
* R – Dynamic coordinate reference number
* G – FIFO, GUID based
Negative stock
* Negative stock in SAP WM.
Requirement to Remove all Stock
* Requirement to remove all stock from a bin.
* Customizing for complete stock removal.
Batch Management Overview
* Definition of Batch Management
* Batch Management Applications
* Batch Levels
* Classification of Batch Management
* Customizing classification
Batch Management Customizing
* Batch determination procedure.
* Number assignment
* Condition technique for batch
* Batch search procedure assignment
* Setting up WM-PP interface
Putaway for an Inbound Delivery
* Goods receipt process with Inbound delivery.
* Tracking the putaway process.
* Inbound delivery document details.
* Negative Quant.
* Document Flow.
Stock removal for Outbound Delivery
* Steps for goods issue process with outbound delivery.
* Picking storage location determination.
* Outbound delivery document details.
* Warehouse Number determination in outbound delivery.
* Collective processing.
* Collective TO creation.
* Automatic TO creation.
Two Step Picking
* Definition of Two-step picking.
* Customizing settings for two-step picking.
* Execute two-step picking.
Return Transfer for Outbound Delivery
* Definition of return transfer for outbound delivery.
* Customizing settings for return transfer.
Posting Changes
* Definition of Posting Changes.
* Types of Posting Changes.
* Posting Change Notice.
* Definition of Posting Changes from “Quality Inspection” to “Unrestricted” stock.
* Step by step process.
* Definition of Posting Changes from “Material” to “Material” stock.
* Step by step process for posting change.
* Definition of Posting Changes for Batch divide.
* Step by step process for dividing batch among other batches.
* Customizing setting for posting change.
* Meaning of Transfer Posting between Org Unit and its customizing settings.
* Direct posting change in WM and its customizing settings.
Stock Transfer
* What is Stock transfer?
* Difference between Stock transfer and Posting Changes.
* Step by step process for stock transfer.
Replenishment Control
* What is Replenishment Control?
* Replenishment programs.
* Step by step Replenishment process.
* Material master data settings.
* Process flow.
* Replenishment movement types.
* Customize and assigning replenishment movement types.
WM-PP Integration
* What is WM-PP interface?
* Production supply area.
* Activating WM-PP interface.
* Assign WM movement type to Storage types.
* Production scheduling profile.
Control Cycle
* Control cycle definition and set up.
Material Staging
* Material Staging process.
* Production order creation.
* Good issue to production order.
* Goods receipt from production order.
Warehouse Activity Monitor
* Definition of Warehouse Activity Monitor.
* Running warehouse monitoring reports.
* Activity Monitor Objects.
* Activating Warehouse Activity Monitor.
* Customize Critical parameters.
Variants and Background Jobs
* Setting up Variants.
* Background Jobs.
Inventory Process
* What is inventory procedure?
* Purpose of inventory process
* Types of inventory procedures.
* Steps in inventory process.
* A typical counting day.
* Processing open transfer orders.
* Blocking the storage type.
* Default values.
* Types per storage type.
* Differences and document limits.
* Clear differences.
* Number ranges.
* Annual inventory definition.
* Customizing for annual inventory.
* Step by step process.
* Continuous inventory definition.
* Customizing for continuous inventory.
* Step by step process.
* Continuous inventory definition for stock placement/removal.
* Customizing settings.
* Step by step process.
* Zero stock check definition.
* Customizing settings.
* Step by step process.
* Cycle counting definition.
* MM cycle counting customizing.
* WM cycle counting customizing.
* Step by step process.
* Manual counting definition.
* Step by step process for manual counting.
Storage Unit Management
* Storage Unit Management definition.
* SUM as a part of warehouse structure.
* SUM with Pallet type strategy Customizing.
* SUM with Pallet type strategy Process.
* SUM with Bulk Storage Customizing.
* SUM with Bulk Storage process.
* Handling Unit Mgmt Overview.
Mobile Data Entry
* Radio frequency devices.
* RF terminal types.
* Connection via SAPConsole.
* Verification Control.
* Bar code.
* Menu management.
* Enter function.
* Screen management.
* Queue management.
WM Print Control
* Spool code.
* Printer pool.
* Sort profile.
* Print code.
* Print program assignment.
WM Certification exam
* Preparing for WM Certification Exam.
* Certification style questions.
* Free online Study Materials.
* Tips and Tricks.